Monday, May 9, 2011

Stravinsky's Journey: 3 periods of Style

Stravinsky's works can be categorized and separated into three stylistic phases, we will focus on his Opera/Theater, Ballet and Orchestral Works:

Russian Period: 1908-1919
The beginning of Stravinsky's exploration of Composition

        • Symphony in E flat major, Op. 1 (1907)
        • Scherzo fantastique, Op. 3 (1908)
        • Feu d'artifice (Fireworks), Op. 4 (1908)
  • The Firebird (L'oiseau de feu) (1910)
  • Petrushka (1911)
  • The Rite of Spring (Le sacre du printemps) (1913)
    • The Nightingale (Le Rossignol), 3-act opera (1914)
  • Les noces (The Wedding), for soloists, choir, four pianos and percussion (1914–17; 1919–23)
    • Renard, a burlesque for 4 pantomimes and chamber orchestra (1916)
      • Le chant du rossignol (Song of the Nightingale) (1917)
    • Histoire du soldat (The Soldier's Tale), for chamber ensemble and three speakers (1918)

Neoclassical Period (1920-1954)
His last dabble in classicism before the plunge into Serialism

Pulcinella, for chamber orchestra and soloists (1920)
Mavra, one-act opera (1922)
Oedipus rex, 2-act opera-oratorio (1927)
Le baiser de la fée (The Fairy's Kiss) (1928, rev. 1950)
Apollo (Apollon musagète), for string orchestra (1928, rev. 1947)
Perséphone, mélodrame for speaker, soloists, chorus and orchestra (1933)
Jeu de cartes (Card Game) (1936)
Danses concertantes for chamber orchestra (1942)
Scènes de ballet (1944)
Orpheus, for chamber orchestra (1947)
The Rake's Progress, 3-act opera (1951)

Serial Period (1954-1968)
Stravinsky develops his compositional skills beyond the realm of tonality

Agon (1954-57)
Greeting Prelude for orchestra (1955)
The Flood, television opera (1962)
8 Instrumental Miniatures for 15 Players (1963, orchestration of Les Cinq Doigts)
Variations (Aldous Huxley in Memoriam) (1963/1964)
Canon on a Popular Russian Tune (1965)

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